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Tuesday, June 7, 2011


   Good doctor-patient communication has been described as the corner stone of good medical practice. The medical interview is the basis of medical practice, and communication is the basis of the medical interview.

      1-  Define communication and enlist its elements.
     2- Recognize the importance of learning communication skills.
      3-  List types of communication and give example for each type.
     4-  Identify factors affecting communication process.
     5- Identify different methods or tools used in communication.

Communication is the transmission of a message between two persons, or between
 one person and a group.

Elements of communication
-          Sender: Sends the message.
-          Receiver: Receives the message; can be individual or group.
-          Message: The idea, information, attitude, or behavior that is being exchanged.
-          Channel: The method through which the message is sent.
-          Feed back: The reply to the message that tells the sender if the message was well or poorly received.

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